Break through with AI and join the

Every single day, we ignite organizations in Europe to become a leader in AI. Initiate your AI breakthrough today and level up your value creation!

A few of the 1000:

Our latest AI breakthroughs

Our AI breakthroughs:



noun /ˈbreɪk.θruː/

Discover our breakthroughs by hovering over the dots

Our AI breakthrough promise:


Exponential Value Creation in the First Six Months

Together, we pinpoint optimal AI use cases to strategically drive an early and substantial return on investment – now, not in years


A "Wow" Experience to Rally Your Teams

AI's success hinges on its clear understanding, full embracement, and active utilization by your people


AI Capabilities and Tech-Stack In-House

We cultivate your AI expertise to ensure it becomes a core competency within your organization, rather than relying on us


AI breakthroughs — Absurd?

No, we are a group of 22 kick-ass friendly nerds who are dedicated to level up your organization with AI!

Join the conversation

On LinkedIn, we stay in touch with people like you and share insights about our adventure to co-create 1,000 AI breakthroughs

Caution: This transforms your business

Using AI, we jointly leverage your data, build a production grade-solution within weeks. And we'll add AI to your own toolbox for future pain points.

A few of the 1000: